Escape Leadership Conference

Sunday, January 25, 2009

01 24 09_5420

JUST returned from Escape Leadership Conference, in San Antonio, and I can hardly wait to share photos of what was an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE event! 

I've officially been home for just ONE hour and here I am typing an entry for my blog while photos are being copied onto my computer!

Okay.  We officially kicked off the event on Thursday evening with our annual Club MED (Managers, Executives and Directors) Dinner. 

We designed an exclusive button for each of our MED's ... isn't it AWESOME!  Our Club MEDer's LOVED it! 

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Then we began the evening with DESSERT!  And NOT just any dessert!  Chocolate Fudgy Wudgy Cake to be exact! 

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Of course, what goes best with chocolate ... BLING!  Each of our ladies received a GORGEOUS Bling Ring with their Chocolate Fudgy Wudgy Cake!  Of course it is PURPLE because PURPLE is the official color for our leaders ... our ROYALTY ... as I lovingly refer to these ladies!

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After dessert we had dinner!  And then I followed up dinner with some inspirational time and presented each of our ladies with another special gift!

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And then ... our ladies got a SNEAK PEEK of our FABULOUS new magalogue!

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Heather Scott received a Brighton Luggage Bag valued at $200 for sales achievement.

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Next was our annual Prop Swap which is UNBELIEVABLE!  Talk about TALENT!  The swaps were superb as always!

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And then my staff and I surprised our ladies!  We've been busy little Angels making our own Prop Swaps and we did in fact make and present a Prop Swap to each of our ladies!  How FUN!

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And then there was a little swapping before heading off to registration ...

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Next it was off to registration.  Along with the registration packet and a Level A Hostess Set each of our Escapees received our premium collection of Collectors BUTTONS (available ONLY at this event)!  Yes, there were some happy Angels at registration!

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Later that evening ... those Angels staying at the Menger Hotel (our host hotel) heard bells-a-ringing down the hallways and found 2 of our TAC Staffers knocking on their doors ... making VERY special deliveries! 

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The next day (Friday) all of our Angels were sporting their GORGEOUS and GLAMOROUS new scarves in our favorite colors ... PINK and BLACK and with POLKA DOTS ... of course!

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Little did our Angels know that the evening before ONE lucky Angel staying at the Menger received something EXTRA-ordinarily special in her delivery! 

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Kristine Cozine was beyond THRILLED to learn that she had won ONE of EVERY stamp set in our new magalogue ... SERENDIPITY!  A value of nearly $800!  And EVERY set in this issue is brand NEW!

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We later learned a funny story about Kristine's delivery!  Our Staffers were out making deliveries when they came to a room that had the 'DO NOT DISTURB" hanger on the door. 

They called me. 

"What should we do?"  they ask.

"I don't know!" I said, "Let me ask Debbie!" 

Debbie said ... "HELLO!  DISTURB them!  I don't think they'll mind this interruption!" 

We found out later that it was Kristine's room with the DO NOT DISTURB hanger out!  Kristine said she was VERY GLAD we disturbed her!

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Friday morning was my opportunity to share with our field, recognize our leaders, show off a twist I made on a Rita Kegg project (and then provide a set of this project to each of our Escapees) and then go on to bless everyone with some of 'Mischelle's Favorite Things!'

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First time event attendees each received an Escape Collectors Button ~ which also served to designate them as a 'newbie'.

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And Serendipity designers as well as Showcase designers each received their own Collectors Button.

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And then ... we released Serendipity!  It was a wonderful time!  There were hoots and hoorays and hollers and so much JOY filled the air!

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A little later we were SOOOOO blessed with the most fantastic presentation by Yuki Zepeda!  I don't even have words ... except I'm stealing some of her stuff ... with her blessings of course!

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After lunch it was an afternoon of Make and Takes!  Our gals were itching to get their hands on stuff and were so ready for that Make and Take room! 

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Later that evening our Angels gathered for the Open Stamp | Open Crop and I hear it was quite fun in that room as many of the gals brought Shoe Box Projects which I thought was an AWESOME idea!

And then even later that evening ... our two little TAC Staffers snuck out and made their rounds making deliveries at the Menger!  Were they EVER surprised, shocked and almost scared sometimes when the doors FLEW OPEN and CAMERA FLASHES exploded in their eyes!  They reported later, "You're NOT going to believe this ... they were taking OUR PICTURES!"  Of course I DID believe it!  HELLO!  I would have taken their picture also!

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  They didn't go out like this!  This is how they rang their bells at MY door!  Oh my goodness it cracked me up!  I LOVE these girls!

Saturday morning ... YES!  Saturday morning.  By now the Club MED event seems like years ago and I can't believe it's already Saturday!

We began the morning with announcing that  ANOTHER Angel staying at the Menger received something extra in her delivery the night before and did anyone have it ...  Paula-Kay Bourland stood up and she had the WINNING item!  Paula-Kay was FLOORED when she discovered that she too would receive ONE of EVERY stamp set from Serendipity

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We then had the honor of Pat Genardo sharing with us and what a woman!  And what a team she has built!  Pat and her Sassy's were so much FUN and a delight to each of us Escapees for sure!

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After more business building forums we broke out and headed for some classes!

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Through out each day we sprinkled in surprises and FUN (because being an Angel IS just more FUN) and we had an exceptional weekend! 

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I hope you enjoy my snapshots included here!

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God Bless!


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